Insightful evaluation is the key to clear systems transformation, resonant partnerships and sustained organizational health. 

With laser focused language, deep storytelling and creative technology, Emerge Collab enables you to leverage data into clear direction for growth, sustainability and innovation.

Great evaluation is a generative, fulfilling, system-evolving process of self and system sight that supports readiness for new engagement and sustainability. Visionary leaders work with constant reflection for course correction, recognising impacts, and to be able to tell potent stories for future partnership and impact. 

Emerge Collab brings deep and wide experience to designing Evaluation that’s integrative, intuitive, and motivating for clear action forward. 

In Evaluation Integration, you’ll:

  • Map and identify key system intersections that are ripe with influential information. 
  • Claim your inquiry language – from quantitative measuring to qualitative meaning-making – to inform your actions for multiple & complex bottom lines that support your purpose. 
  • Diversify your indicators and evaluative intersections to reflect the full systems and processes you work with, or want to. 
  • Clarify the relationships among your data sources to build clear stories of your whole systems and their interdependent patterns, differences and emergence. 
  • Work with accessible IT that tracks actions and decisions across time, place and sectors, and map connections between contributors to show places of leverage and innovation. 
  • Tap into the true story of your organization’s culture, values, and ways of engaging, so you can share your story with collaborators and communities with verve, meaning, and confidence. 


  • Three 2-hour consults with key team members to identify your systems, juicy indicators, and meaningful thresholds, with creativity activities to tap deeply into the story waiting to be told.
  • Mentorship: Could be a quick one-off consultation, a troubleshooting call, or ongoing support.

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