Stories reveal our secret powers, vulnerabilities, truths and triumphs. 

We coach individuals and teams on how to tell their truest stories, ones that massively expand their creative, systemic, and collaborative structures. 

Immerse your organization’s teams into an extended lunch or half-day gathering in a casual and open setting. We will build a container of trust and openness that breaks down the usual work routine and flow within the work environment. We work on bringing everyone’s voices forward in the session though a series of coached storytelling by leadership then coupled with an active and rapidly produced individual story prototyping session in pairs. Once those stories have emerged and been witnessed by partners, they are then shared by selected volunteers across the larger group. 

Story Sight Path sessions have a proven track record of:

  • Breaking down perceived barriers of hierarchy and social status in a workplace.
  • Building deeper trust and openness and empathy among employees.
  • Allowing individuals to feel more empowered to bring their voices forward and be heard across the organization.
  • Revealing your story impacts, archetypes and patterns that both motivate and anchor your team’s actions. 
  • Revealing key, and often overlooked, actions and relationships that make success possible.
  • Fostering innovation by empowering individuals to bring bold ideas forward rather than remaining silent out of fear of judgement or ridicule.
  • Being a lot of fun for everyone and bringing a breath of fresh air into the workplace.


  • An extended lunch of approximately 3 hours or a half day. 
  • If over lunch, it is recommended the organization provide this for the employees.  
  • If half day (recommended) it should be held in the afternoon and can be supplemented with a casual celebration at the end of day. Either way, this option has the benefit of more time to process the experience thanks to not going back to the work routine that day.   

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